10 things holding you back from becoming the worlds best developer

Do these 10 simple things different and your life will change
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Generating PDFs📄 using React⚛️+Tailwind🍃

Generate PDFs using react and tailwind via headless chromium
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5 great Neovim plugins for 2023 🤙

Up to date plugins for your Neovim config in 2023. At least some of my favorites
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Deleting my backup by accident

In my post about notetaking I displayed my simple backup solution (It’s more like mirroring/online syncing since I don’t keep old data because of storage limitations). It’s been working great but the problem I had sometimes is that I download big files to my notetaking directories, which will fill the drive of the VM I’m renting (It’s only about 25 GBs). > cat /etc/cron.daily/copy_notes #!/bin/bash rsync -a --delete /home/theodorc/notater api.theodorc.no:/home/theodorc/notater I wanted to exclude any file with the prefix “no_backup” to solve this.
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ZSH - What’s that config?

I have been using a lot of CLI tools the last few years and have accumulated a plethora of configurations, AKA dotfiles. They are all gathered in a git repo on Github with a script that adds symlinks so the files are put in the right place. With this experience, some might be intrigued by my specific configs and possibly learn some from it. I will try to make a series on each one of them.
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