In my post about notetaking I displayed my simple backup solution (It’s more like mirroring/online syncing since I don’t keep old data because of storage limitations). It’s been working great but the problem I had sometimes is that I download big files to my notetaking directories, which will fill the drive of the VM I’m renting (It’s only about 25 GBs).

> cat /etc/cron.daily/copy_notes
rsync -a --delete /home/theodorc/notater

I wanted to exclude any file with the prefix “no_backup” to solve this. This way I could mark files that I didn’t want to backup. Rsync supports this through the “–exclude” flag, but I was unsure of the syntax of the pattern to match. So I made a test directory to try it out with two example files.

> mkdir test && cd test
~/test> touch gurba no_backup # create two empty files
~/test> ls
gurba no_backup

With not much thought, I copied my original oneliner for backing up my files, added the “–exclude” flag and set my current directory as the source and the home folder on my server as the destination.

~/test> rsync -a --delete --exclude="^no_backup.*" .

This command ended up deleting almost every file in the home directory of my server. Do you see why?

theodorc@disco> ssh # yes, the hostname of my laptop is "disco"
theodorc@api> ls
dev gurba no_backup_gurba

My little script uses the “–delete” flag to delete files that no longer exist on my local computer. If I delete something locally, I most likely don’t care about it being in my backup. (I should probably change this assumption, since accidentally deleting a file locally will save me. Bricking my computer has been the biggest worry). Rsync checks my home directory on the remote and deletes everything that doesn’t not match the files in the current directory on the local machine.

So in the end the syntax was wrong and I lost my backup :–) Till next time, be careful with which flags I’m using.

Luckily I have all the files locally, so on the next backup run they will return. Not so lucky is two of my projects. Images for my homepage (which I’m already thinking about retiring) was deleted and the database for my ChessPuzzleBot was deleted. Oh well.